Day 139: Via Dolorosa.
Our time abroad has taught us a lot of things about each other, both significant and insignificant, but one of the things that's common between both of us is our love of mornings. It's always a bit more relaxing to enjoy your surroundings when the day is first starting. In busy places like Jerusalem, if feels even more appealing to wander around before the streets fill up with the normal busyness of the day.
Earlier this week we took a walk around the Old City in the morning, specifically the Via Dolorosa, or the "Way of Sorrows." The path wanders through the Muslim Quarter, and follows the stations that Jesus may have encountered during his last hours.
The thing we continue to find so interesting about this city is intersection of so many cultures. The Via Dolorosa route is followed by so many Christian pilgrims, which is located in a historically Jewish area of the city, but is now a modern-day Muslim neighborhood. Wild.