Melissa Faulkner

a collection of work and stories of adventuring



Day 140: Ramparts Walking.

Day 140: Ramparts Walking.

We've been walking around these city walls for the last week or so.  We finally decided to do a bit a walking on top.

The Ramparts Walk starts at the Jaffa Gate, leading you either north past the Damascus Gate, or south towards Zion Gate.  We took the north route, walking on top of the Christian and Muslim Quarters.

The views were really amazing - we could see the mountains in the distance, the skyline of the new city behind us, and the every day goings on of the neighborhoods underneath us.

For me, these quieter (read: less crowded) places are sometimes my favorite.  Gives you time to take in all the sights and sounds you've experienced.  A highlight from our time here, for sure.

Day 142:  Views from the East.

Day 142: Views from the East.

Day 139: Via Dolorosa.

Day 139: Via Dolorosa.