Day 102: Bella Italia.
We made it to Italy!
After a wonderful (and travel-heavy) weekend in Switzerland, it was a good feeling to be settled back in an apartment - plenty of space to unpack and feel at home again.
Our apartment is in the San Frediano neighborhood of Florence. While the Duomo and city center are on the north side of the Arno River, we are on the south side, or the "Oltarno." Our walks by the river give the best views of the colorful stone buildings that run alongside it.
While I'm excited to give this city a second go-round (after a semester abroad in college), I haven't been able to help visiting some of the old stomping grounds. We've already had cappucinos at News Cafe, ribollita soup at Mario's, and marmo gelato at Carraia - all 'musts' if you ever happen to visit.
Everything feels very much the same as it was when I was last here, but also very different. Or maybe I'm different. Probably a little bit of both.
But, here's to forging fresh stomping grounds, eight years later, and with a new adventurer at my side.