Melissa Faulkner

a collection of work and stories of adventuring



Day 34:  End of an Oxford.

Day 34: End of an Oxford.

On the day we left Oxford, and commenced to the next step of our travels, it hit me all over again what we are doing.  It's an unbelievable time for us, and I'm thrilled and grateful and overwhelmed every time I remember what a big deal it was for us to leave what was known and head out to unknown.

While in Oxford we experienced:
- Excellent sites, Cherwell Boathouse, Addison's Walk, Magdalen
- Good people, friends at Trinity Church Oxford and our neighbors
- Productive work, and growing professionally in our respective fields
- Provision, and allowing Our Father to show us grace in transition
Wonderful food, contrary to popular belief, it's delicious

Oxford will always hold a dear place as the first stop in our travel journey.

Below:  Driving away from our little red door.

Day 36: Nice to meet you, Croatia.

Day 36: Nice to meet you, Croatia.

Day 33: College Town.

Day 33: College Town.