Melissa Faulkner

a collection of work and stories of adventuring



Day 70: Viatge a Mallorca!

Day 70: Viatge a Mallorca!

A few weeks ago we decided it was worth planning ahead for the time off over Labor Day weekend.  Just a short plane ride away, we landed on Mallorca as a perfect getaway.

We'd barely been in Barcelona long enough to unpack our bags before we headed out again. 

Flying over the ocean to Mallorca was an incredible experience.  The vantage point really made it obvious what an island experience this would be - not just your typical island off the coast, but like, no land in sight!  The mountains seemed to be pushing themselves out of the ocean, and the white beaches slowly mixed into the clear water. 

We spent the next three days walking around Palma, exploring a bit of the island, and sitting by the beach.  Thanks to another wonderful Airbnb host, we had the perfect resting place those few nights.  "It's really a perfectly Spanish neighborhood," he said.  Aka, everything literally shuts down for the siesta.  Not a sole in sight.

Adding Mallorca to our list of, "Definitely Recommend."

Day 71: Train to Soller.

Day 71: Train to Soller.

Day 68: Buenas Tardes!

Day 68: Buenas Tardes!